
01 June 2015

Producing games at taskboy

To be clear, this post is about how I get my content in the form of a product, rather than how I write manuscripts, which is a process that should be emulated by no one.

Producing quality content in an attractive format is not easy at all. Some of you might have already noticed this. I cannot do it alone (although a few OSR folks seem to be able to). Luckily, there are scads of talented people lurking about on Google+ (that much maligned social network) who have helped me bring my little diversions to market. Although these people are credited in each publication, I would like to spotlight a few here so that you may hire them to en-awesome-ize your stuff too.

This list is in no particular order.

Illustration: Stuart Robertson

Stuart provided the initial graphics and cover art for Manse on Murder Hill. Not only that, he gave me a ton of early encouragement that I will always be grateful. His work still knocks my socks off and he was a joy to work with.

Illustration: David Guyll

David's high contrast/low detail style unabashedly recalls the mind-blowing work of comic artist Mike Mignola. David's work grabbed me when I first saw it and I was thrilled that I got to work with him. He was very patient with me as we worked through several iterations of the Tranzar's Redoubtcover. I expect even better things from him in the future.

Cartography: Dyson Logos

Dyson is well-known in the OSR community and it took me several tries to finally catch him with availability for a project. His work has become a style others imitate, but he is sui generis.

Cartography: Tim Hardin

I was blown about by Tim's maps even before I knew about Dyson's work. Tim's work shows a reverence for the past while still being innovative and fresh. So glad I could use him to replace my schlocky interior maps in Manse.

Layout: Matt Hildebrand

A lot of DIY publishers layout their own work. Some of them do a great job. I am not one of them. Matt actually approached me, but I foolishly thought at the time, I would go it alone. Eventually, I realized the depths of my mistake. Matt is responsible for breathing new life and professionalism into Taskboy Games. His design aesthetic of clean minimalism matches my own leanings.

Editing: Aaron Beck

Like layout, a lot of DIY folks think they can edit their own work. I know that I cannot. Luckily, Aaron Beck does. He has been my goto editor for Manse and Tranzar. I plan to continue working with him as long as he continues to be available. He goes the extra mile beyond copy editing to ensuring a consistent style and even tone to the manuscript -- almost like a fabled content editor of yesteryear.

That is the Taskboy Games, ad-hoc production team. Assembled on the Internet to do great justice.

There is another future post I will make about the extraordinary generosity of those that have volunteered to read and critique my work. You might download the publication for the pretty pictures, but the content has been sand-blasted clean by reviewers. Whatever faults are left in the final work are mine alone.