Brave the Labyrinth Issue Guide

The following is the list of articles that appear in each issue of Brave the Labyrinth, a fanzine devoted to the Labyrinth Lord RPG. Issues listed in reverse chronological publish date order. Articles listed in appearance order.


Issue #5

Release date: January 2015

  1. Beetle Notes and Reader Mail, Peter C. Spahn
  2. The Ebon Lord, Brandon Baker
  3. Elf Variations, Gavin Norman
  4. Map: Andrel Castle, Tim Hartin
  5. Pray for Us, James M. Spahn
  6. Tools, Keys, and Magic Items for All Characters, Adam Rizevski
  7. Werewulfs and Familiars, Keith Kilburn
  8. Ampulex the Emerald Jeweler and his Emerald Jewelry, Paul Go
  9. Beetlemirth
  10. Beetle Reviews: The Caves of Ortok, Joe Johnston
  11. Exerpt: Eye of Terror, Peter C. Spahn


Issue #4

Release date: January 2014

  1. Beetle Notes and Reader Mail, Peter C. Spahn
  2. Dwarf Variations, Gavin Norman
  3. Chaos Magic, Matt Evans
  4. The Demonologist, Adam Rizevski
  5. Map: The Islands of Chalm, Tim Hartin
  6. The Restless Dead, James M. Spahn
  7. AD&D Insurance, Paul Go
  8. Weapon Mastery, Luigi Castellani
  9. Faerie Magic, Kieth Kilburn
  10. Beetlemirth
  11. The Ruined Tower of Hilsock the Mad, Peter C. Spahn
  12. Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker, Magic Candles, That Is!, John Feldman
  13. New Monsters of the Known Lands, Keith Kilburn
  14. Beetle Reviews: Red Tide, Joe Johnston


Issue #3

Release date: January 2014

  1. Beetle Notes and Reader Mail, Peter C. Spahn
  2. Beetle Year in Review, Pater C. Spahn
  3. Born of the Forge, James M. Spahn
  4. Dagger and Wand Tavern, Tim Hartin
  5. Goblinoid Characters, Dyson Logos
  6. Vexare, Brandon Baker
  7. Beast Rider, Adam Rizevski
  8. Grimps, Yves Geens
  9. The Bard, Michael Raston
  10. Targker Goblins, Peter C. Spahn
  11. Those Troublesome Elves, Luigi Castellani
  12. Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker, Magic Candles, That Is!, John Feldman
  13. New Monsters of the Known Lands, Keith Kilburn
  14. Beetle Reviews: Dark Times in Brighton, Joe Johnston


Issue #2

Release date: October 2013

  1. Beetle Notes and Reader Mail, Peter C. Spahn
  2. Neem the Inscrutable, Gavin Norman
  3. Blooroes and Their Brood, Paul Go
  4. Map: The Village of Aldriss, Tim Hartin
  5. The Voltherak, Peter C. Spahn
  6. Gods of the Known Lands, Keith Kilburn
  7. 0-Level Humans, Peter C. Spahn
  8. Map: The Fortress at Hawksford, Dyson Logos
  9. Six Short Articles, Elrad Wolfsbane
  10. New Magic Items of the Known Lands, Keith Kilburn
  11. Carnival of the Setting Sun, Dylan Hartwell
  12. Beetle Reviews: Come Hell or High Water, Joe Johnston


Issue #1

Release date: July 2013

  1. Beetle Notes and Reader Mail, Peter C. Spahn
  2. Symac the Subverter, Gavin Norman
  3. Dirty Secrets of the Mage's Guild, Tom King
  4. Map: The Catacombs, Paratime Design
  5. The Sunland Society, Peter C. Spahn
  6. New Magic Items, Christopher Kosciuk
  7. Animal Retainers, Peter C. Spahn
  8. Player Character Sheet, Christopher Kosciuk
  9. Better Than Starving, Neko--kun U
  10. The Screams From Jedder's Hole, Dyson Logos
  11. Beetle Reviews: The Burial Mound of Esur the Red, Peter Spahn
