The following is the list of articles that appear in each issue of Brave the Labyrinth, a fanzine devoted to the Labyrinth Lord RPG. Issues listed in reverse chronological publish date order. Articles listed in appearance order.
Issue #5
Release date: January 2015
- Beetle Notes and Reader Mail, Peter C. Spahn
- The Ebon Lord, Brandon Baker
- Elf Variations, Gavin Norman
- Map: Andrel Castle, Tim Hartin
- Pray for Us, James M. Spahn
- Tools, Keys, and Magic Items for All Characters, Adam Rizevski
- Werewulfs and Familiars, Keith Kilburn
- Ampulex the Emerald Jeweler and his Emerald Jewelry, Paul Go
- Beetlemirth
- Beetle Reviews: The Caves of Ortok, Joe Johnston
- Exerpt: Eye of Terror, Peter C. Spahn
Issue #4
Release date: January 2014
- Beetle Notes and Reader Mail, Peter C. Spahn
- Dwarf Variations, Gavin Norman
- Chaos Magic, Matt Evans
- The Demonologist, Adam Rizevski
- Map: The Islands of Chalm, Tim Hartin
- The Restless Dead, James M. Spahn
- AD&D Insurance, Paul Go
- Weapon Mastery, Luigi Castellani
- Faerie Magic, Kieth Kilburn
- Beetlemirth
- The Ruined Tower of Hilsock the Mad, Peter C. Spahn
- Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker, Magic Candles, That Is!, John Feldman
- New Monsters of the Known Lands, Keith Kilburn
- Beetle Reviews: Red Tide, Joe Johnston
Issue #3
Release date: January 2014
- Beetle Notes and Reader Mail, Peter C. Spahn
- Beetle Year in Review, Pater C. Spahn
- Born of the Forge, James M. Spahn
- Dagger and Wand Tavern, Tim Hartin
- Goblinoid Characters, Dyson Logos
- Vexare, Brandon Baker
- Beast Rider, Adam Rizevski
- Grimps, Yves Geens
- The Bard, Michael Raston
- Targker Goblins, Peter C. Spahn
- Those Troublesome Elves, Luigi Castellani
- Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker, Magic Candles, That Is!, John Feldman
- New Monsters of the Known Lands, Keith Kilburn
- Beetle Reviews: Dark Times in Brighton, Joe Johnston
Issue #2
Release date: October 2013
- Beetle Notes and Reader Mail, Peter C. Spahn
- Neem the Inscrutable, Gavin Norman
- Blooroes and Their Brood, Paul Go
- Map: The Village of Aldriss, Tim Hartin
- The Voltherak, Peter C. Spahn
- Gods of the Known Lands, Keith Kilburn
- 0-Level Humans, Peter C. Spahn
- Map: The Fortress at Hawksford, Dyson Logos
- Six Short Articles, Elrad Wolfsbane
- New Magic Items of the Known Lands, Keith Kilburn
- Carnival of the Setting Sun, Dylan Hartwell
- Beetle Reviews: Come Hell or High Water, Joe Johnston
Issue #1
Release date: July 2013
- Beetle Notes and Reader Mail, Peter C. Spahn
- Symac the Subverter, Gavin Norman
- Dirty Secrets of the Mage's Guild, Tom King
- Map: The Catacombs, Paratime Design
- The Sunland Society, Peter C. Spahn
- New Magic Items, Christopher Kosciuk
- Animal Retainers, Peter C. Spahn
- Player Character Sheet, Christopher Kosciuk
- Better Than Starving, Neko--kun U
- The Screams From Jedder's Hole, Dyson Logos
- Beetle Reviews: The Burial Mound of Esur the Red, Peter Spahn